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Vol. 47 (1977): Our Past


History of the Monastery of the Sisters of St. Norbert in Cracow, Zwierzyniec until 1840

  • Krystyna Kramarska-Anyszek
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1977-06-30


The article presents the history of the Norbertine convent in Krakow, Zwierzyniec, until 1840. It begins with a description of the foundation and organisation of the new monastery, as well as a description of Blessed Bronisława's stay in the Order and everyday life in the monastery.

The development of the monastery in the following centuries is then shown through the characteristics of the individual abbesses. The study tries to include important events such as the restoration of the church, renovations, the expansion of the convent and the improvement of the nuns' living conditions. Finally, educational initiatives such as the parish school are discussed, as well as examples of the generosity and commitment to the life of the order of various people who collaborated with the Swierzyniec convent.


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