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Vol. 55 (1981): Our Past


The activities of the Elisabethan Sisters in the Holy Land

  • Seweryna Galińska
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1981-06-30


This work is related to the 50th anniversary of our activity Elisabethan Sisters of the Poznań Province in the Holy Land. In all three houses (Old Polish House, New Polish House and House of Peace), the Sisters still fulfill their specific tasks to this day. First of all, they welcome pilgrims, take care of the sick, abandoned children and orphans. Regardless of their tasks, the Sisters have always been involved in the missionary activities of the Church and continue to do so. The article does not fully present the work of the Elisabethan Sisters of the Poznań Province in Jerusalem, but only shows certain fragments of it. First of all, the beginnings of this activity and maintaining the idea undertaken by the founder of the Polish Hospice in Jerusalem - Fr. Marcin Pinciurek, and further continued by the Elisabethan Sisters called to the Holy Land by Primate August Hlond.


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