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Vol. 56 (1981): Our Past

Profiles, memories

On the deceased collaborators of "Our Past" (until December 31, 1980)

  • Jan Kopiec
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1981-12-30


The editorial effort of a scientific periodical such as "Our Past" consists of the efforts of the Editor and Collaborators-Authors sharing their scientific achievements with Readers. In its 55 volumes so far, "Our Past" has already gathered around 300 authors. In the year of its 35th anniversary, the Editorial Office would like to especially thank those who have already passed away - 81 people. The authors publishing in "Our Past" represent various classes and environments - cardinals, bishops and priests, monks, nuns and laypeople, university scholars and amateur historians. The published list of deceased authors, together with a reminder of their publications in "Our Past", does not pretend to be a biographical dictionary, exhausting the entire biography, character characterization and subject and subject bibliography. Its aim is to present their life path as generally as possible and to indicate their position, qualifications and contribution to "Our Past".


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