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Vol. 62 (1984): Our Past


From the research on the religiousness of the Krakow bourgeoisie in the 17th century

  • Janina Bieniarzówna
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1984-12-30


Kraków was an important center of spiritual and religious life in the 17th century. Together with the neighboring towns of Kleparz and Kazimierz, it had 10 parishes and a large number of monasteries for men and women, which gave it a unique character. Based on city sources, it can be concluded that at least one third of the members of the then city authorities had their representatives in the ranks of the clergy. Among the orders in Krakow, the most popular were the Dominicans and the Discalced Carmelites, among whom you can find examples of a deep religious life. Research on the religiosity of lay people was based on contemporary prints with religious content as well as citizens' wills and inventories of movable property prepared after their deaths. Religious books written by laypeople, some of which are interesting, are very rare. Religious researchers should be interested in citizens' wills, which often indicate a deep experience of faith. The inventories carried out after his death shed light on two problems in particular: the range of reading in the field of religious literature, as well as the cult of "saints", including the patrons of Poland, flourishing in the 17th century; the latter is expressed in numerous collections of religious paintings found in bourgeois homes. The presence of devotional images of the Virgin Mary is also very interesting, among which the one from Częstochowa comes to the fore.


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