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Vol. 65 (1986): Our Past


Bogdan Jański as an author, translator, editor and publisher

  • Bolesław Micewski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1986-06-30


Jański's serious attitude towards school and learning prepared him well for these multiple tasks. Extremely talented and hard-working, he achieved excellent results. He started teaching very early, gaining scientific degrees and cooperating with Polish and foreign publishing houses, penetrating scientific societies and editorial offices. His cooperation with French encyclopedias had a significant impact. He wrote articles on Polish, and more broadly: Slavic, German and Hungarian, topics for dictionaries, encyclopedias, scientific journals and the press. He was an intermediary between the spiritual culture of the West and Poland, thanks to the very close and numerous contacts he maintained with outstanding personalities, and also thanks to the fact that he was the first French translator of A. Mickiewicz. Under his leadership, the working group translated important foreign works. B. Jański put a lot of effort into editing Polish literature abroad, including: A. Mickiewicz, Z. Krasiński, A. Górecki, W. Pol, J. U. Niemcewicz and several others, contributing to the creation in Paris publishing house, printing house and Polish bookstore. He organized the difficult shipment of prints from émigré authors. He taught the French the Polish language and thus introduced them to the Polish Literary Society. He contributed to the creation of the collections of the Polish Library in Paris, then became its first librarian. His unpublished achievements: manuscripts and, above all, editorial files, prove how much this Catholic thinker and social activist, unfortunately condemned to illness and the fate of an emigrant, still had to say.


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