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Vol. 65 (1986): Our Past


Emigration and pastoral care of emigrants in the Kingdom of Poland until 1914: (in the light of official church publications)

  • Janina Kulikowska
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1986-06-30


The issue of economic emigration and the pastoral care of emigrants from the Kingdom of Congress is presented in this article in three blocks. The first part of the article discusses economic emigration as a social phenomenon that became widespread after 1870. First, the causes of economic emigration are discussed. Then, the scale and proportions of emigration were discussed and an attempt was made to examine the social origin of emigrants. The last issue discussed in the first part of the article concerns the geographical directions of emigration and the various motives that guide people's decisions to emigrate from individual dioceses of the Congress Kingdom. The second part of the article analyzes the Church's attitude towards economic emigration: the statements of the Holy See on this subject, the position of bishops and parish priests, and consideration of the problems of emigration in church periodicals. The topic of the third part of the article is the service of the Church among and for emigrants. This part also discusses other forms of help for emigrants - forms initiated not only by clergy, but also by lay Catholics. It describes the scope and purpose of the activities of organizations and associations dealing with emigration matters and explains the diocesan initiatives undertaken to meet the spiritual needs of emigrants. Forms of parish service for emigrants were analyzed. At the end of the article, the impact of emigration on the moral and religious attitudes of the emigrants themselves was presented.


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