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Vol. 69 (1988): Our Past


The discussion

  • Praca zbiorowa
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1988-06-30


Record of the discussion during the national scientific conference "The beginnings of Christian culture in Poland in the 10th century" (Poznań, November 23-24, 1984). The lively discussion of the symposium participants was divided into three parts. In the first part, it was related to the papers of: prof. A. Gieysztor and Fr. prof. B. Kumora. The second part of the discussion concerned the papers of prof. G. Labuda, priest Dr. A. Weiss, and prof. B. Kurbis. The third part of the discussion was related to the papers of: doc. K. Żurowska, Dr. K. Józefowiczówna and Z. Karnowski, M.A. In total, 21 individuals expressed their views.


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