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Vol. 75 (1991): Our Past


The policy of the Krakow bishops at the end of the 13th century (Prokop and Jan Muskata)

  • Tomasz Nowakowski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1991-06-30


After the death of Paweł of Przemanków in 1292, the Krakow chapter elected Prokopius, a relative of the Piast princes, a canon and prelate of some chapters, as the bishop of Krakow. At that time, Wenceslaus II of the Czech Přemyslid dynasty took power in Lesser Poland. Initially, Procopius's relations with the new ruler were good, but a conflict soon broke out, the cause of which was the confiscation of part of the bishop's property and the refusal of the bishop to collect tithes from the income from the salt mines. Political motives played no role here. However, the difficult political situation that soon emerged prompted both sides to reach a compromise, which resulted in the agreement reached in Prague on June 20, 1294. The successor of Procopius, who died shortly thereafter, was Johann Muscat from Silesia, probably appointed by the chapter on July 11, 1294. – under pressure from the Czech starosta. As Bishop of Muscat, he developed intense political activity that extended beyond the boundaries of his diocese. He often stayed in Prague and Silesia. His cooperation with the Přemyslids did not meet with significant opposition in the chapter. He knew how to maintain proper relations with Władysław the Elbow-high. Only after 1300 did the political situation in Lesser Poland deteriorate. Muscat began to become increasingly involved in implementing Wenceslaus II's plans in Poland and Hungary. However, due to papal opposition, he had to limit his activities and mostly stayed in Krakow. From 1301 he was also in conflict with the archbishop. He tried to maintain the power of the Přemyslids.


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