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Vol. 78 (1992): Our Past


Roadside shrines and crosses in Kiczory

  • Władysław Pilarczyk
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1992-12-30


The article describes the history and importance of roadside shrines and crosses in the town of Kiczory. The first mention of Kiczory comes from the 17th century. The village of Kiczory became an independent administrative unit only in 1984. In the past and today, we can find a wealth of roadside chapels and crosses in the village, which reflects the deep religiosity and attachment of the inhabitants to the Catholic Church. During religious fights in the 17th century in Orava, crosses and chapels were a symbol of resistance to Protestantism, which was promoted by the owners of Orava Castle. The origins of these objects date back to the period when attachment to Catholicism increased in Orava and the population began to build stone crosses and shrines. In Kiczory, as well as in other places, these objects played an important role in the religious and cultural life of the community, being a place of prayer, pilgrimages and religious ceremonies. Despite the passage of time, traditions related to shrines and crosses are still practiced by residents, retaining their place in the spiritual landscape of the region.


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