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Vol. 81 (1994): Our Past


Social and educational activities of the Church in the south-west part of the Archdiocese of Vilnius 1939-1945

  • Kazimierz Litwiejko
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1994-06-30


In 1939, 106 priests worked in 52 parishes and 4 rector churches in the south-west part of the Vilnius Archdiocese. There were two Salesian religious houses (11 priests, 7 theology students, 15 brothers), two Salesian houses (25 sisters and 15 novices), five houses of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family (37 sisters), one house of the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul (7 sisters) and the house of the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of the Holy Family (3 sisters). The clergy suffered significant personal losses. Priests actively participated in the Polish resistance movement, serving as chaplains, and also protected and supported partisans. Their pastoral work was particularly important for the Polish population, in which they expressed their patriotic attitude. They also organized help for those most in need. Much effort was put into saving Jews and neglected children (Salesian religious houses in Supraśl and the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family in Białystok). About a thousand children studied in schools organized by the clergy. The article ends with a list of priests who worked in the south-weste part of the Vilnius Archdiocese during the war.


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