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Vol. 83 (1995): Our Past


The circumstances and motives for the foundation of the Cistercian monastery in Sulejów

  • Józef Dobosz
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1995-06-30


The history of the Cistercian monastery in Sulejów has been studied for over a century. According to the author, the series of publications by historians, art historians, and recently also archaeologists, does not satisfactorily explain the origins of this Cistercian foundation. The idea came from Duke Casimir the Just, and the process of its foundation lasted in the years 1176-1191. When Casimir made his decision in 1176, he managed to obtain the support of Archbishop Janik and his closest associates. It is almost certain that in the same year he obtained the approval and cooperation of either the General Chapter or the Abbey of Morimond. The first monks probably arrived in the years 1177-78, and in 1178 they exchanged land with the prince. Three years later, the monastery church was consecrated and Archbishop Peter gave the monastery a tithe. The new foundation also received grants from the sponsor, Duke Casimir, his associates Comes Radosław and Comes Bałdrzych, Archbishop Piotr of Gniezno and Duke of Greater Poland Mieszko III the Old.


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