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Vol. 86 (1996): Our Past


The library of missionary priests at St Cross in Warsaw. An outline of the issues

  • Krzysztof Gonet
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1996-12-30


This article is an updated study on the state of research on the Library of the Congregation of the Mission in Warsaw. The origins of the library probably date back to the arrival of the first missionary priests to Poland and their occupation of the church of St. Cross in Warsaw. The heyday of the Library dates back to the 18th century, when the head of the Warsaw Province of the Congregation was Fr. Piotr Jacek Śliwicki (1739-1774), friend and collaborator of Józef Andrzej Załuski (creator of the famous Załuski Library). In 1864, the Russian authorities banned the Congregation of the Mission in the Kingdom of Congress and ordered the closure of its library. Shortly before its liquidation, the Library had approximately 30,000 volumes, most of them were included in the collections of the Library of the Warsaw Theological Seminary. In addition to presenting its short history, the author briefly reviews sources (some of them previously unknown) and critical studies regarding the Vincentian Library. It also includes a section devoted to its distinctive ownership marks. Finally, it compiles a wide range of old and new opinions on the rank and value of the Vincentian collection. The article is a progress report. It is hoped that further research on the history of the Vincentian Library will result in a comprehensive assessment of its role in the history of the Catholic Church and Polish science in the 18th and 19th centuries.


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