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Vol. 91 (1999): Our Past


The anniversary approaching

  • Stanisław Rostworowski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1999-06-30


The article discusses the upcoming anniversary of the publication of the encyclicals of Leo XIII "Rerum Novarum" and Pius XI "Quadragesimo Anno", which were of significant importance for the social system. These encyclicals raised issues related to workers' working conditions, private property and the role of the Church and the state in social life. Despite their importance, their content is often ignored by society. However, in the face of contemporary social challenges, it is worth taking a closer look at their ideas. The article points to the need for a revolution in concepts regarding the purpose of life of an individual and society, emphasizing that social reform must be based on moral and spiritual foundations. Therefore, despite possible controversies, the Catholic program of social and economic reform is worth exploring and considering as a potential path for Poland after the war.


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