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Vol. 93 (2000): Our Past


Bishop Adam P. Burzyński's pastoral activity and attitude towards dissenters

  • Piotr Włoczyk
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2000-06-30


"Our Past" has already published works on the missionary work of the Franciscan monk A. Burzyński in northern Egypt and on his charitable and educational activities in the years 1820-1830, when he was the bishop of Sandomierz. This article presents the pastoral activity of Bishop Burzyński and his relations with Protestants and Jews, who during the ten-year management of the newly established Sandomierz diocese laid the foundations for multilateral pastoral activity and took an active part in it himself. He divided the diocese into 17 deaneries and created the diocesan curia and the administrative and teaching staff of the theological seminary in Sandomierz from the elite of the existing clergy. Four times he ordered deans to visit parishes and submit reports to the diocesan curia. He himself visited larger parishes, as well as those where the personal presence of the local bishop was necessary. He took care of parish schools and hospitals. He took care of churches and monastery buildings abandoned after the dissolution of the orders (1819), which he saved from destruction. A. Burzyński's positive attitude towards people of other faiths during his missionary work in Egypt changed in his diocese. This was primarily due to the Polish mentality: over time, the original tolerance and cooperation with "dissenters" was gradually replaced by suspicion and even hostility - especially towards Jews. This opinion was shared by Bishop Burzyński. He watched with concern for signs of Jewish economic and financial domination. He also saw the religious danger that might threaten his dioceses as a result of closer contacts with them. The bishop linked his reluctant relations with Jews and Protestants with the requirements of the so-called legal justice.


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