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Vol. 93 (2000): Our Past


Bishop A. Adamiuk - a Lviv priest in Opole Silesia

  • Jan Kopiec
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2000-06-30


The article is dedicated to the life and work of Bishop Antoni Adamiuk, whose contribution to the development of the Church in Opole Silesia after World War II remains a significant research topic. Adamiuk, originating from the Archdiocese of Lviv, was part of the clergy operating in the Opole region since 1945. His work included pastoral care, teaching, and community activism. As an auxiliary bishop in the Opole diocese, he played a significant role in the integration process of various population groups in the region, especially those arriving from the eastern territories. Adamiuk was also active in politics and society, supporting the "Solidarity" movement and defending the rights of the Church and family. After retiring, he continued to engage in pastoral work until his death in 2000. His life and work remain an important research area, especially in the context of the history of the Church in Poland after World War II.


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