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Vol. 22 (2018)


Signature on art print as the first information about its author – educational aspects

  • Olivia Rybak-Karkosz
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-04-14


The main aim of this article is to present types of artists signatures found on original art prints. Artist's signature is a sign that identifies his authorship and personalizes his work. There are different types of signatures, ones expressed in words e.g. artist’s first and/or last name or monograms. Then there are signatures that are symbols such as ideograms or pictograms.

Modern art prints consist of elements such as title, number of print and edition, technique, handwritten signature of artist and a date. Usually artists sign using pencil rather than pen, at right bottom of print. Although that order can be changed by omitting some elements, handwritten signature is very important because each print, in order to be considered an original, must bear not only the signature of the artist, but also an indication of the total edition and the serial number of the print31.


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