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Vol. 23 (2019)


Forensic entomology – an attempted review of the previous assumptions

  • Arkadiusz Domasat
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-06-05


Modern scientific advances have enabled a large-scale development of the forensic entomology. Currently it gives a possibility not only to determine the postmortem interval, but also indicate the potential causes of the death. That is because the postmortem insects’ activity and their larval stages, that can be analyzed as an entomotoxicological evidence or – as an alternative source of the DNA. The aim of this article is to present actual and scientifically determined research methods within the forensic entomology, attempt to respond to its main assumptions through presenting the results of realized experiment and indicating the
basic methods of securing entomological traces, as a practical clue for forensic technicians. This work will be ended with the answer to question whether the conclusions based on entomological research methods can be the sole source of decisions undertaken by the law enforcement authorities.


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