Fr. Jacek Przygoda worked in Belgium in the years 1938-1948, as the rector in the years 1942-1948. In 1991 the archival collections were handed over to Fr. Roman Nir. The manuscripts contain notes on the activities of the Polish Catholic Mission in Benelux. However most of the collections are from Polish in Texas. Rev. Jacek Przygoda, Ph.D., has been teaching in the Department of Economics at Loyola University, Los Angeles, California, since 1955. He is a mezmber of Phi Gamma Mu, Omicron Delta Epsilon, Polish American Historical Association, Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America, National Historical Society, Economic History Association, American Economic Association, Association for Social Economy, American Association of University Professors and others. He has been listed in American Men of Science, Who’s Who in American Education, Who’s Who in the West, Dictionary of International Biography, Community Leaders of America, etc. While in Belgium, 1938-1948, he authored two books, published and edited a weekly newspaper in Polish. Ordained priest in 1933, in Sandomierz, Poland, he first taught for three years, then edited the diocesan newspaper. He studied in Poland, Belgium, at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and at the University of Ottawa. He is a priest of the Los Angeles Archdiocese.
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