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Vol. 13 No. 1 (2020)


Tax-Related Implications of Acquiring Ownership of Real Estate by Natural Persons – Selected Issues

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2020-06-30


Tax law, treated as a branch of public law, shows strict links with other branches of the law, including the civil law or the private law. These links primarily involve taxing acts performed under the civil law. These consequences occur mainly with regard to levies included in the category of wealth taxes and revenue taxes. The subject of the analysis is the scope and nature of tax-related implications of acquiring the ownership right to real estate in individual taxes classified in these groups. On the basis of the research de lege lata conclusions are formulated. Primarily, the relationship between the personal and material scope of tax and acquiring real estate is demonstrated. Reference is also made to those elements of tax laws which directly affect the amount of taxation in the discussed scope.


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