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Vol. 11 No. 1 (2018)


Decoding of Regulations Regarding the Sporting Activity of the Christian Faithful from the Legal Provisions Concerns to Their Duties and Rights

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2018-06-30


In the Code of Canon Law there are no direct regulations regarding the sporting activity of the Christian faithful. By analyzing the duties and rights of the Christian faithful can indirectly decode from their catalog such norms, which concerns to sporting activity. These regulations can be found by analyzing for example duty of leading a holy life (can. 210), duty and right to work so that the divine message of salvation more and more reaches all people in every age and in every land (can. 211), right to Christian education (can. 217 in relations to can. 795). There is a natural and primary relations between these elements, which is visible particularly between sport and evangelization and education. Combines them to achieving the fullness of humanity, that is holiness.


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