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Vol. 5 (2012)


Ecclesiastical Advocate in a Current Canon Law

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Published: 2012-12-31


The right to defense is one of the most important rights of the Christian faithful in a canonical trail. The institution which guarantees the realization of this right is the institution of the ecclesiastical advocate. The ecclesiastical advocate is an expert on law, who gives a party advise and instructions and appears before a court with party' s defense in writing or orally, by suggesting facts and citing the legal rules. Particular impact on the formation of the current advocate's definition had Roman law and the institutions which came into being within its functioning. Taking into consideration the character of the relations between advocate and tribunal, we can say about a permanent and a private advocate; depending on kind of tribunal there are distinguished advocates in lower instance, and also advocates of the Apostolic See who are advocates of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, advocates in canonization proceedings and advocates of the Roman Curia. Advocates of the Holy See, as a separate group, guarantee the defense of the Holy See both on civil and church forum. The office of a permanent advocate (CIC/83, can. 1490) was not known in the Code of Canon Law of 1917. Universal law (CIC/83, can. 1483) requires from a candidate for the ecclesiastical advocate: the age of majority, good reputation, a doctor or otherwise truly expert in law and approval of the bishop, however particular law can establish additional requirements. The role of the ecclesiastical advocate in a canonical trail is visible when possibilities of his actions are indicated, beginning with pre-trail stage, through each phase of the trail - from the moment of the joinder of the issue, to the appealing actions against the sentence of the judge and also in untypical course of the in stance and incidental cases. Attempts - from 1949 - of the regulation the issue of the cooperation between advocates and church tribunals in Poland, are still waiting for the final legal solution, in a way fairly uniform for the area of the Conference of Polish Bishops.


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