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Tom 14 Nr 2 (2021)


Hybrid Threats – Means of Destabilization of Law and Order in Modern Democratics Societes. Idea and Methodology of Proposed Research

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 19.07.2022


Threats are one of the most serious threats to the legal order of a democratic state. Their non-linear, asymmetric nature makes them more dangerous than other threats to the legal order. The use of multifaceted measures as a weapon disrupts, above all, the legal order of the state. Hybrid threats rely heavily on non-military domains. Civilian populations are central to the hybrid threat scenarios as sources for potential socio-political vulnerabilities and as targets for non-military threats and attacks, not least disinformation campaigns. A significant part of the hybrid threat phenomena is psychological. Actors targeting communities/societies to exacerbate weaknesses do not necessarily create social vulnerabilities themselves but make use of divisions that already exist in civil society. Using disinformation, populations are targeted and used as potential weapons within the state/society in question. This paper shows a concrete scientific approach to the study to of this issue.


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