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Vol. 26 No. 2 (2018)

Biblical theology and biblical studies

Jesus’ First Passion and Resurrection Prediction in the Gospel of Luke

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Published: 2019-05-29


The article presents an outcome of the analysis of Jesus’ first Passion and Resurrection prediction. After establishing the text and the context of Lk. 9:22, it focuses on the authenticity and historicity of the Lucan passage. The immediate context is similar in all three Synoptic Gospels. In the case of the Gospel of Luke, we must mention some omissions that result from the conception of the structure of this Gospel. The study of tradition and edition of the first Passion prediction has shown us a large number of problems concerning especially the authenticity and historicity of the logion. Many arguments are presented to defend the pre-Easter origin of this prediction. In the section dedicated to the analysis of the vocabulary and the commentary, meanings of particular words and expressions are studied in detail. Eventually, we can state that Jesus, while pronouncing the words about the Son of Man’s suffering, Passion and Resurrection, was consciously predicting His future.

(tłum. Olha Zatwardnicka)


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