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Vol. 26 No. 2 (2018)

Systematic theology

Francis’ Antignostic Crusade. Theological Threads in the Pope’s Exhortations

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2019-05-30


Pope Francis repeatedly pointed out ancient Gnosticism and Pelagianism heresies as present-day threats to the Church. The Mystery of Incarnation makes it possible to detect three features of Gnosticism in the Church: incorporeity, ideologization and worldliness. The obverse of positively formulated theological truths corresponds to the reverse of negative characteristic of Gnostic tendencies. The Pope is concerned with the Church that moves forward, goes forth, evangelizes and gets involved in other people’s lives (social dimension of preaching the kerygma). The Church relieved from Gnostic tendencies is the Church of proper relationships with God, people and even with the whole created world. The Peter’s follower becomes a guard who takes care that the received faith be put into practice (primacy of reality over an idea). He warns against salvation relegated to the inner sanctum of personal life which closes a man (keeps a man imprisoned in the immanency of their own feelings or knowledge) in the immanency of feelings or knowledge. Christ is today „touched” in His body, especially in the “last” members of the people of God (“the option for the poor”).

(tłum. Olha Zatwardnicka)


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