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Vol. 27 No. 2 (2019)

Biblical theology and biblical studies

The second and third Jesus’ Passion and Resurrection announcements according to St Luke

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2019-12-23


The article discusses issues related to the exegetical and theological significance of Jesus’ second and third Passion and Resurrection announcements in St Luke’s Gospel. Due to the shorter form of the second foretelling, it seems necessary to examine both the origin and authenticity of the logion. With the use of the historical-critical method in the analysis of the tradition and editing of the second announcement of the Passion of Christ and the commentary on its individual expressions and texts to other Evangelists, the author intends to discover its meaning and importance (Lk 9:43b-45). In the case of the third announcement of Lk 18:31-34, by applying the historical-critical method, the author will seek answers to questions related to the origin and authenticity of the examined fragment. Finally, the exegesis of some expressions and words will help us to understand more deeply the meaning of the third announcement.


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