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Vol. 29 No. 1 (2021)

Biblical Studies

The Role of Marcion in the Process of Compiling the Canonical Gospels: Polemic with Markus Vinzent’s Theses

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Published: 2021-06-05


This polemical paper discusses the views of Markus Vinzent presented in his book Marcion and the Dating of the Synoptic Gospels. Its author aimed to study interdependencies between the synoptic gospels and the text used by Marcion. This led him to a claim that all canonical gospels rely on Marcion, who is even supposed to have invented the literary genre of gospel. Inasmuch as the author of this paper agrees that the dependencies between The Gospel of Marcion and the synoptic gospels need to be comprehensively studied, he does not follow Vinzent’s theses and methodological approach. The paper’s author emphasizes the necessity of the use of lexical and narratological analyses and suggests that (even at the current state of studies) they can point towards one of the variants of the multi-source hypothesis.


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