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Vol. 30 No. 1 (2022)

Social sciences

The Transhuamanist Denaturalization in the Light of Integral Ecology

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2022-07-26


Facing the challenges of the ecological crisis is a constant concern of the Catholic Church. Since the 1960s, successive documents of the Holy See present not only threats but also ways of solving the crisis, such as by implementing the program of human ecology formulated by St John Paul II or its derivative – Pope Francis’ integral ecology announced in the encyclical Laudato si’. The article presents a new form of threats to the naturalness (the so-called denaturalization tendency) of the existence of man and other entities, which are brought by new integrated technologies, but not because of purely technological goals and methods, but because of the way of exploiting achievements as postulated in the ideology of transhumanism. The problems of naturalistic versus culturalist reduction of man and his products are considered in the context of transhumanism and posthumanism. The posthumanist vision of the virtualization of being, not only of a human, is also discussed from the point of view of the way of existence of an intentional object. As a result of the considerations, the personalistic concept of man turns out to be an objective counterbalance to the trans- and posthumanist visions of human existence: human person is able to enrich its own psycho-physical condition as well as the human and natural environment with technology.


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