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Vol. 31 No. 1 (2023)

Biblical Studies

Jesus the Healer in the Fourth Gospel: Bringing Life from God

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-08-19


Compared to the Synoptic Gospels, in the Fourth Gospel there is a striking absence of stories of Jesus healing. There are no stories of the lame, those with fevers, withered limbs, dropsy, hemorrhages or lepers or those who are deaf, mute or demonized being healed. It has been supposed, then, that healing is feebly represented in the Fourth Gospel. This essay counters that view and seeks to set out the image of Jesus as healer the Fourth Gospel intended to offer. Notably, four of the seven miracle stories and the associated dialogues in this Gospel are related to healing. In his vocabulary John uses the term ‘signs’ for miracles giving the impression that there were more than the representative seven and, in turn, creating the impression that Jesus’ ministry was characterized by performing miracles that were primarily healings. Also, John’s overlapping use of the term ‘work’ for both Jesus’ ministry and for his miracles infuses Jesus’ entire ministry with the notion of the miraculous creative work of God as healer, conveying his life and presence as Saviour. In the stupendous miracle stories Jesus is portrayed as one with unparalleled power. In his healings Jesus is identified as the Messiah who brings life from God, so that in these stories God is most clearly seen as truly incarnate. In all the healing stories the Passion is echoed and adumbrated so that for John’s readers their experience of the presence of Jesus as healer is an experience of resurrection power that brings God’s life to them and the basis for their faith and evangelism.


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