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Vol. 32 No. 35 (2022)


The Principle of Collegiality and the Principle of Synodality in the Church

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2022-06-15


In attempting to analyze and describe the principles of collegiality and synodality in the Church, in the formula adopted, under the title: “The principle of collegiality and the principle of synodality in the Church”, it must first of all be stated that both principles belong to the ensemble of constitutive elements of the Church. Both, however, without being (in the classical sense) parts of the Church as is the case with a particular office or state, such as the primacy, the presbyterate or the state of the lay faithful or the institutes of consecrated life, are a kind of attribute of her existence and activity. In other words, they are present and manifest in the whole missionary activity of the Church.

The purpose of this paper is to show and demonstrate the interrelationship of the two principles, which have the character of correlative components, resulting from the nature of sacred authority potestatis sacrae in the Church, which also par excellence has to serve the perfection of the community of the Church, in the work of carrying out its mission.


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