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Nova causae propositio in Theory and Practice

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-11-10


Nova causae propositio is one of the means of reviewing a judgment on the status of persons. It may be available to spouses whose case for nullity of marriage has been concluded by a final court decision. Awareness of the possibility of reviewing a judgment by means of a request to retry the case is increasing among the parties and their attorneys, as evidenced by statistics at the Tribunal of the Roman Rota. Unfortunately, many recusals are written incorrectly. The purpose of this article is therefore to present the conditions that must be met in order to file a recourse for retrial in the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, to show how this request is dealt with by the Rotal Tribunal, and to indicate the most common errors that occur in the recourses sent.


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