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Vol. 1 No. 3–4 (2022)


Judiciary of the nobility from the 15th to the 18th century

  • Robert Kucharski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-10-10


The judiciary of the feudal monarchy naturally changed its character to the state one, which was associated with the emergence of social classes, especially the nobility, which, as a result of the ongoing political processes and social changes, obtained more and more privileges, including judicial immunities. This study will outline in general the judicial organs of the judiciary in the Republic of Poland from the 15th century until the end of Polish statehood. Naturally, these bodies were not uniform in terms of
structure and organization, and their competences coincided. They evolved over time, although the fact is that these changes did not keep up with the changes taking place in the international environment around the First Polish Republic, and were not able to meet the needs of both state reforms and social changes. At a certain stage, they even became a burden in political reforms, contributing in some way to the ossification of the structures of the then Polish state and its collapse at the end of the
18th century. This period was characterized by a multitude of types of judgments, their cognition and territorial properties, which overlapped and yet did not constitute the uniform and coherent structure to which we are used these days. The subject of this study will be a discussion of these organs with an outline of their practice and a short description of the specificity of land law.


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