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Vol. 49 (2022)

Rozprawy i artykuły – Studia teologiczne

The Heart of Jesus as the center of three dimensions of priestly spirituality in the Archdiocese of Częstochowa

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2022-12-20


The article presents the Heart of Jesus as the center of priestly spirituality in the archdiocese of Częstochowa. The content of this study is based on the events that constitute the historical background as the basis for the analysis of the main trait of the priest's spirituality of the above-mentioned diocese. As part of the events, special moments of a spiritual nature were indicated within the last hundred years and what has stood the test of time, and what can be described as the spiritual tradition of the newly created diocese. The second source that has a decisive influence on shaping a specific spirituality of a priest is the Holy Bible. Then, reflection will be carried out on the self-presentation of Jesus Christ in relation to His identity, which determines the spiritual attitude and lifestyle of the Master of Nazareth. In the last part, the reflection aims to show the specific spirituality and lifestyle of a priest based on the above sources.


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