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Vol. 51 (2024)


The pilgrimage of the Icon of Our Lady of Częstochowa as a response to Jesus' testament of "taking Mary to himself" (Jn 19:27b)

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Published: 2024-12-21


This study is an attempt at a synthetic theological-biblical analysis of the meaning of a fragment from the testament of Jesus from the Cross (cf. Jn 19:27 b). In the theological-biblical literature, one can find various interpretations. Starting from the more literal ones, where the meaning of the words indicates the taking of Mary into the house by the beloved disciple, to the more spiritual ones, showing the depth of the relationship of the disciple of Jesus to his Mother. The words ending the discussed fragment of John's Gospel indicate above all the beginning of a special relationship that is established between Mary and the beloved disciple of Jesus Christ. In the context of the visitation of the Jasna Góra Icon visiting Polish dioceses, the gesture of the beloved disciple towards Mary consisting in "taking her to himself" is in a way repeated by all those who participate in the celebrations related to the pilgrimage. In this study, an attempt will be made to read the visitation of the Jasna Góra Icon in the key of "taking Mary to himself".


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