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No. 2/17 (2022)


Toponymy of Warsaw in the translation of the popular novel

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2022-12-16


This article considers urban toponymy in the Russian translation of Joanna Chmielewska’s novel “Heavenly Cow”. The novel is full of toponyms referring to Warsaw and its surroundings. The techniques used to translate toponyms include transposition (ad hoc equivalents) and deonimization. The transmission of internal semantics of names is discussed. Attention is also drawn to the fact that the translator is faced with the task of transmitting two functions of toponyms in the text: both their denotative (identifying) value and their connotative (characterizing) function. Primacy belongs to the connotative function. The article also revealed the specific features of the popular translator workshop: low use of non-equivocal techniques and relatively frequent cases of omission of toponyms.


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