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Vol. 18 (2019)


The Roman Virtues of Virtus and Fides as Interpreted by Saint Augustine in De Civitate Dei

Published: 2019-12-31


The work De Civitate Dei in which Augustine undertakes – among numerous other great themes –- also the subject of relation to the Roman civil virtues, was written during the threat of the fall of Rome in the early 5th century. St. Augustine presents legendary and historical figures, such as Regulus or Scaevola, as their virtus and fides may, in his opinion, undoubtedly serve as an example of Christian virtues for the followers of the new religion.

            Virtus– according to Saint Augustine– is to be one of the main values that help achieve better dedication to God. Virtus in Christians should contribute to promoting God's glory. The Christian should not put  his own glory but the glory of God himself first. Moreover, Christians should be willing to endure all suffering with bravery.

            Saint Augustine confronts some heroes who were praised by pagans with actions of Christians.  Mucius Scaevola’s example is used by St. Augustine to mobilize Christians for heroic actions for God’s glory and for the proper justification of the need to suffer. Augustine calls on Christians to be able to sacrifice their whole body, not reproaching God for it. Every Christian who undertakes some glorious deed must only have God's glory in mind.

            Fides was another one of the most valued Roman virtues. It was understood as loyalty, stability and steadfastness in making decisions. In De Civitate Dei Augustine often showed the value of Fides using the example of Regulus, among others. However, he understood this virtue in a slightly different way, referring directly to a Christian’s faithfulness to . the heavenly homeland, not to the earthly one as the heathens did. A Christian, unlike Regulus, who has remained loyal to the enemy, should confide his faith in the Creator who is the giver of all gifts. It is no longer fides understood as loyalty or stability in thinking, but fides as a virtue referring to God.




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M. TULLIUS CICERO. De finibu. Przeł. W. Kornatowski. O najwyższym stopniu dobrego i złego. Warszawa 1961.
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V. MAXIMUS. Facta et dicta memorabilia, O dziejach i powieściach pamięci godnych ksiąg dziewięć (wybór). Przeł. M. Brożek, „Filomata” 205, 207, 210, 233 (1967-1968).
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T. LIVIUS. Ab Urbe condita libri. Red. R. S. Conway/C. F. Walters/S. K. Johnson
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II. Opracowania

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