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Vol. 20 (2021)

Scientific articles

A will as a creed. The image of God, Holy Mary and the saints in the dispositions of the last will of the noble men from Royal Prussia of the 17th century

Published: 2021-12-31


The subject of this article is the analysis of faith issues in the wills made by the noble men in Royal Prussia of the 17th century, in the area of German settlement in the East. The aim of the exploration is to answer the question of how frequently and how distinctly the sacred world appears in the context of expressing the last will contained in the wills analyzed. The analysis presented herein includes references to God, the Virgin Mary and the saints of the Church present in the wills explored. Particular roles and backgrounds in which these subjects appear have been mentioned. The paper allows to see the level of spirituality and religiosity of the testators as well as to understand the function which the act of testing performed for the noble men from Royal Prussia of the 17th century.


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