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Vol. 122 (2014): Our Past


Augustinian eremite convent in Sieraków on Warta (15th-16th century)

  • Marcin A. Klemeński
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2014-12-30


The aim of the article is to present the history of the Augustinian Eremite Convent in Sieraków on Warta. It was the only monastery of the Augustinian Order in the Greater Poland and the second one after St. Martin’s Convent in Warsaw in the Diocese of Poznan. The research problem is to establish the dates of the Convent’s and the foundation’s functioning. The author believes that the Convent was founded by Wichna, however he does not exclude the activity of Maciek Borkowic. He dates the foundation at the second half of the 14th century, being in accordance with the chronology of creating outposts of the Order in Poland and Silesia. He also presents the economic and social history of the convent as well as its social composition. The convent was dissolved in the times of the Reformation because of the disorderly conduct of the monks and its properties were probably taken over by the Benedictine Monastery founded in 1619.


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