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Vol. 119 (2013): Our Past


Some remarks on the language and style of Master Vincentius Kadłubek

  • Krzysztof Pawłowski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2013-06-30


This article discusses some of the characteristic features of the language and style used by the Polish medieval chronicler Master Vincentius (Wincenty Kadłubek). The predominant lexical structure in his prose is the noun and noun phrase, second are verbs, while adjectives and adverbs come lower in the rank. A noteworthy idiosyncra- sy is Vincentius frequent use of neologisms and diminutives with the prefixes per- and trans-. He resorts liberally to synonyms. His favourite conjunction is eninr. only rarely does he employ etenim, tandem, or demum. His preferred expression to open up a coordinate clause is non modo sed rather than non solum (tantum) sed. while the conjunction which appears most often in his comparisons and similes is quasi, where- as instances of relut, sicut, and instar are exceptionally rare. He has a penchant for expressions of purpose (sporadically choosing to replace them with a descriptive phrase), and object clauses: while clauses of effect, indirect questions, and concessive expressions occur less frequently. In his use of the rhythmical prose typical of writers of the period Vincentius most freąuently resorted to cursus tradus, followed by cursus planus and cursus velox


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