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Vol. 119 (2013): Our Past


The role of the Jesuits in the funerals of the 18th century Polish-Lithuanian nobility. Between theatralization and the celebration of the dead

  • Andrea Mariani
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2013-06-30


The topic of this paper is the role of the Jesuits in the organization of 18th century noblemen funerals in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The commitment of the Jesuit fathers to the burial rites of the elite was particularly evident in the case of the protectors of the Order such as the members of the Radziwiłł family. The author uses different sources to present the interaction between the Jesuit Order and the nobility within the context of burial rites: from contemporary gazettes to private letters, as well as documents produced by the Order itself within the framework of its own activity. After describing the general structure of the funeral, the author analyses the social expectations of the noblemen, who founded Jesuit sanctuaries as a sort of family mausoleum, as well as the rules dictated by the Order’s authority, which tried to keep under control the practice of burying secular people in the churches of the Order. After this first part, the object of the second one is the position occupied by the Jesuits among the clergy during the funeral. First of all the fathers took actively part to the funeral procession ending in their own church. During the funerals of the middle nobility the members of the Jesuit Order preached and celebrated the liturgy as well. The burials of the aristocracy were different: as a matter of fact the Jesuits just preached, whereas the role of celebrants was overtaken by the members of the diocesan clergy, who possessed a higher position in the ecclesiastical hierarchy. In such cases the importance of the Jesuits depended from praising the virtues of the dead with words as well as through the temporary decoration of the church. By presenting the nobleman as a positive model of social behavior the Jesuits preachers induced in his relatives a feeling of gratitude towards the Order, and at the same time increased their own possibilities of personal advancement within the religious hierarchy. In spite of the emphasis on the pedagogical value of the funeral, Jesuits paid attention to logistical aspects as well. The care of theatrical aspects was brought together with the parsimony in the usage of materials for the church decoration.


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