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Vol. 119 (2013): Our Past


Eucharistic Crusade in the People's Republic of Poland in 1945-1949: the case of the diocese of Częstochowa

  • Roman Ceglarek
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2013-06-30


After the World War II, Eucharistic Crusade restarted its educational work in primary schools all over the country. In this time, it copied the prewar patterns of structureI method, and forms of work. Unfortunately, its Christian profile did not suit the socialistic model of education imposed by the government. This was the reason of tension between the Church and the government, which, in consequence, led to removing the Crusade form schools to parishes. This change did not stop the development of the organisation. It was only the place of meeting that was changed, not the status of the Crusade. People responsible for the Crusade still took care of an appropriate level of education and religious formation of its members. The government policy was heading for a different direction: for moulding children opinions not in the Christian but rather in the socialist way. Because of that, all possible actions were undertaken in order to hamper leading the Crusade, like changing the regulations of associations in such a way, that they imposed a supervision of the government on the Crusade. This project could not be accepted by the representatives of the Catholic Church, who, taking into consideration the Crusade and its members’ good, decided to suspend its activity in 1949. However, the priests and catechists, during their common pastoral activity in parishes, still cultivated Eucharistic piety among children, so characteristic for this organisation.


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