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Vol. 118 (2012): Our Past


Beatification process of Blessed Mother Maria Karłowska, foundress of Congregation of God Shepherd Sisters of Divine-Providence in Jabłonowo Pomorskie

  • Mieszko Maksymilian Grynicz
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2012-12-30


In connection with beatification of Maria Karlowska (1865-1935) many articles and various studies about life and mission as road to her beatification were published, in which beatification process was generally mentioned as preparation to this beatification. However so far there hasn’t been published any article which would focus on one of the most absorbing aspects of her biography, namely beatification process, in detail, from both professional and practical side. Many of us hear a lot about ongoing beatification processes, but all the procedure and the way of the blessed to the altars is usually strange to us. Maria Karlowska was characterised by both uncommon personality as well as will of action. She devoted everything to her work and pupils. Diversity of talents, which she received and used for pastoral mission realized throughout her life, is amazing. She was really such an admirable woman. No wonder not only she has been highly respected for her charity, social assistance and the other contributions by Polish authorities, but also in spite of many difficulties she reached beatification process which lasted thirty two years, from 1965 to 1997. The article focuses not only on beatification process of Maria Karlowska. It is going to encourage to finding out more about the other lesser-known saints and the blessed as well as to analysing and studying different aspects of their life, not only beatification process.


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