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Vol. 117 (2012): Our Past


Benedictine school system in Pułtusk in 1781-1833

  • Krzysztof Wiśniewski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2012-06-30


The Benedictine school reached a remarkably high level of teaching in the period under discussion. Its graduates proceeded in great numbers to the only higher education institution in the Kingdom of Poland – the University of Warsaw. In 1817-1831, 141 graduates of the Pułtusk school studied at the University. The faculties to enjoy highest popularity were those of Law and Administration – where 84 Benedictine graduates studied – and of Arts and Science (18 students). The remaining faculties were chosen by a much smaller number of students. Out of many alumni of the school I will limit myself to evoking the persons of Aleksander Napoleon Dybowski – an outstanding emigration activist, Teofil Antoni Kwiatkowski – a well-known painter and a friend of Chopin and finally Teodor Jański, who also held a position of teacher in the school in Pułtusk for a year. Patriotic education in the Benedictine school was reflected in the numerous participation of its students in the November Uprising. Students of the first two grades – mostly children and adolescents – constituted about 50 percent of the total number of 519 students. 143 students – that is 27.6 percent of the total number of students – and the positive majority of older students able to carry weapons volunteered for the army. At least 25 of the school’s alumni were awarded with the silver or golden Cross of the Order Virtuti Militari, over 30 had to emigrate. It was only after the dissolution of the convent in 1864 that the Benedictine’s participation in formation of the spiritual culture of the youth had ended.


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