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Vol. 115 (2011): Our Past


Still on the factum of St Stanisław of Szczepanów

  • Włodzimierz Bielak
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2011-12-30


The death of the bishop of Krakow, Stanisław of Szczepanów, is still under discussion. This riddle has not been solved so far. Historians’ opinions usually focus on the Stanislaus’s alleged involvement in the rebel of the Polish knights against king Bolesław the Bold. The aim o f this article is to present a different interpretation o f the known historical sources, mainly the chronicles of Gallus Anonymus, the bull of Pope Paschalis II, allegedly addressed to the archbishop of Gniezno, and the chronicles of Wincenty Kadłubek. We tried to show that the conflict between Bishop Stanisław and Bolesław the Bold arose from personal reasons. The cause of a violent reaction o f the king was probably an unfounded accusation o f some intimate relationships between the bishop and Belesław’s wife. This course o f events is indicated by the so-called court tradition about St Stanisław, being highly unfavourable to him, and historical context o f the whole event, namely, the king’s cruelty to knights and their unfaithful wives having relationships with household servants. St Stanisław acted against the king’s behavior, but the bishop’s authority did not stop the king. It seems that somebody who was persecuted, trying to save their lives by diverting the king’s attention, accused St Stanisław of “sinful infidelity”. These are novel findings which have not been previously reported in the historiography.


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