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Vol. 125 (2016): Our Past


The parish of Drobin in the years 1939-1945 in the light of the parish chronicle

  • Łukasz Włodarski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2016-06-30


The present article presents the history of the parish of St Staislaus, the martyr in Drobin (the Diocese of Płock) in the years 1939-1945 in the light of The Book of Visits at the Church of Drobin, which later became the parish chronicle. In the mentioned period of time, or rather in the years 1932-1956, Rev. Canon Hilary Godlewski was the parson of the parish. It is to him that we owe the chronicle entries, which are the subject of the article. From the times of the Second World War only short entries remained, mainly concerning economic problems. The chronicle best presents the years 1939 and 1945, which must have been connected with the political situation of that time. Soon after the outbreak of the war, the author of the chronicle notes down in detail sums owed by the parishioners to the parish as well as those of the parish owed to the parson and the parishioners. Thereby he omits the events con-cerning the whole church community in the first days of the war. The entries in the years 1940-1944 are very scarce and limited to the losses suffered by the church by handing over the church bells to the Nazi occupants as well as turning the church into a grain store. Entries about the pastoral activity in the occupation years are rare. The entries from 1945 concentrate on losses resulting from the fights between German and Soviet armies. It is worth noting that the chronicle is very subjective. It was its author who decided which events to emphasise and which to purposely omit. It is significant that – apart from minor references – there is no detailed information about the fate of the civilians constituting the church community.


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