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Vol. 123 (2015): Our Past


Parish organization of the Catholic Church in Gdańsk from the middle ages to the creation of the apostolic administration in the Free City of Gdańsk

  • Agnieszka Kobus
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2015-06-30


The article is devoted to the development process of the parish network in Gdańsk from the Middle Ages to the creation of the apostolic administration in the Free City of Gdańsk.. The territorial development of Gdańsk parishes began very early. Already about the 12th century the originally existing parish including the entire neighbour-hood was divided into Oliwias and Saint Wojciech. In its history, the Church in Gdańsk underwent a general reorganization of the parish network three times, respec-tively in 1456, 1718 and 1840-1842. Formed in the Middle Ages, the parish system was destroyed under the influence of the Reformation. Restoration of the Council of Trent, in turn, resulted in the creation of several centers of substitutes, which later became the basis for a new regulation of the parish.


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