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Vol. 121 (2014): Our Past


Gnesen or Magdeburg? From the studies of conflict for primacy over the tje diocesan organisation of Roman Catholic Church in Poland in the 1130s.

  • Mateusz Kosonowski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2014-06-30


The present article constitutes an attempt at assessment of existing academic discussion on the topic of conflict between the Archdioceses of Gnesen and Magdeburg for primacy over the Polish church province in the 1130s. The main thought of the text is that the conflict between both church centres should be considered in close connection with political events in Europe at the end of the 1120s and the beginning of the 1130s, the most important of them being: the conflict between Innocent II and Anacletus II over the papal tiara, the attempts of Saint Norbert of Xanten, the Archbishop of Magdeburg and Adalbero, the Archbishop of Hamburg-Bremen to expand the borders of their metropolises, as well as the desire to confirm imperial hegemony in Central Europe during the rule of German king Lothar III (since 1133 the Roman Emperor). In the light of papal sources (the bulls of Innocent II from years 1131, 1133 and 1136), German sources (mainly Magdeburg Annals, the Chronicle of Bishop Otto of Freising and numerous other annals) as well as a short annotation in Vincent Kadlubek’s Chronicles, the course of the conflict can be traced back: In 1130 a double papal election took place in Rome and both candidates started to seek support for their rights in Europe. Innocent II found a political ally in the person of German king Lothar of Supplinburg, who gave him his full support together with 16 bishops of the Reich at the Council of Würzburg in 1130. Innocent was also supported by the Archbishop of Magdeburg, Norbert, who was planning to obtain papal confirmation of the rights of his metropolis first to the Archdiocese of Poznan and then to the whole Polish church province. The basis for his claims was the so called Magdeburg Concept (false draft of papal bull allegedly issued at the beginning of the 11th century by a pope John – most probably John XVIII – and confirmed by popes Benedict VIII and Leo IX). Most probably Norbert first presented his plans to Innocent at the Council of Reims in October 1131, at which Lothar of Supplinburg was also present. Already in 1131 Innocent issued a bull which subordinated the Poznan diocese to Magdeburg. However, only two years later the pope changed his decision and in the second bull subordinated all Polish dioceses to Norbert, by which act Gnesen was degraded to the rank of a bishopric. Boleslaw Wrymouth tried to oppose it and at the Council of Merseburg in August 1135 most probably gained Lothar’s support in his attempts at regaining independence of Polish church province at the price of making an oath of allegiance to the emperor as well as giving him Pomerania and Rügen Island in homage and declaring to pay tribute in the joint sum of 6000 marks. It was possible as Norbert died in 1134 and Innocent II gained advantage over his rival to the tiara. The outcome of the pope’s change of attitude was the so called Bull of Gnesen issued in 1136 by Innocent II, which confirmed the independence of the Archbishopric of Gnesen. In the following years the conflict between both Archdioceses was never so dramatic.


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