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Vol. 113 (2010): Our Past


Widow and widowhood in the light of 18th-century religious texts

  • Agnieszka Jakuboszczak
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2010-06-30


Both today and in past centuries, the Catholic Church has always been concerned about the place of women in the religious world. Women and widowhood certainly required a special approach. The death of a close relative, but also of the head of the family - the guarantor of its socio-legal stability and the natural status of the mother - brought with it suffering that required spiritual support. Religion and religious practices were a way to re-fulfill their daily routine and regain motivation and meaning in their future lives. The elements presented above regarding the vision of the figure of a widow and her widowhood in religious texts will encourage the reader to continue research aimed at reconstructing a complete and certainly complex picture of female spirituality.


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