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Vol. 106 (2006): Our Past


The conflict between the PRL authorities and Bishop Tokarczuk against the background of religious architecture

  • Sabina Bober
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2006-12-30


The problem of building or even renovating church buildings, especially new churches, was one of the most difficult during the communist era. Simply put, church initiatives in this area conflicted with the stated goals of the regime, one of which was the atheisation of the country. To this end, the authorities pursued a policy of 'do ut des', i.e. granting permission to build a church in exchange for a concession from the government. Bishop Tokarczuk avoided such deals, but because of the lack of church facilities in his diocese, he constantly applied for permission to build religious buildings, and when he received a negative response, he usually ordered construction to begin without the administration's permission. This led to constant conflict, not always between the bishop and the provincial authorities, but often with the central authorities as well. Bishop Tokarczuk was regarded by the communist authorities as a man who did not respect the law and who was constantly in opposition to the Polish political system. He was able to carry out many initiatives thanks to the support of the public and the priests who were determined to work for these initiatives. Between 1966 and 1990 a total of 332 churches and chapels were built. The investment project envisaged 456 buildings, of which 72% were completed. In the history of the People's Republic of Poland, only in the diocese of Przemyśl was an ecclesiastical initiative of this magnitude carried out, but not only did it not receive the approval of the authorities, but it was constantly challenged in every possible way, including the punishment of priests and lay people involved in the construction. It should be noted, however, that the state authorities were not always consistent in applying restrictions to the Church. This greatly facilitated Bishop Tokarczuk's investments.


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