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Vol. 104 (2005): Our Past


The problem of tithes claimed by the Sandomierz Chapter in the light of a hitherto unknown document by Jan Długosz from Bishop Jan Rzeszowski's Collection of Episcopal Acts

  • Łukasz Walczy
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2005-12-30


In early 1465 Jan Gruszczyński, Bishop of Cracow and Archbishop Elect of Gniezno borrowed 1500 guldens from the Chapter of the Collegiate Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Sandomierz to pay the for his Bulla translations, ie. his official appointment to the Gniezno See. Sheaf tithes which belonged to the Archbishop's Table' (ie. tithes from the villages of Potworów, Potworowska Wola, Długie, Dłuska Wola, Kaszów, Kaszowska Wola, Gutów, Gutowska Wola and Czarnocin) were pledged as security. To prevent a protracted loss of revenue on the part of the Archbishopric of Gniezno, Jan Gruszczyński promised to redeem the sheaf tithes in ten years' time at the latest, or should it prove impossible, to secure another source of income to compensate the said loss. In all those transactions Bishop Gruszczyński had the full backing of the Chapter of the Cracow Cathedral, headed by Jan Długosz the Elder, author of the Annals, or Chronicles of the Glorious Kingdom of Poland and the Book of Benefices of the Diocese of Cracow.
When Jan Gruszczyński died in 1473, he had not done anything about his old loan. The tithes were in still possession of the Sandomierz Chapter and the loss of revenue to the Gniezno Archbishopric remained uncompensated. In this situation the new Primate, Jakub o f Sienno reclaimed the tithes by force (in 1475, or a little later). The Sandomierz Chapter now turned to Jan Długosz, who had masterminded the complex operation, and demanded the restoration of the sheaf tithes or of the original sum of 1500 guldens. This was followed by a formal suit against Jan Długosz in the court of the Bishop of Cracow Jan Rzeszowski.
Jan Długosz was summoned to a hearing on 15 December 1479. At that time he was already Archbishop Elect of Lwów and so could see the Bishop of Cracow eye to eye. Jan Długosz reminded Bishop Rzeszowski that he too was involved in signing the surety back in 1465 and should remember it very well. He insisted that the terms of the pledge had not committed him to an unconditional liability for losses incurred by the Sandomierz Chapter, nor had he been able to foresee that Jakub of Sienno would resort to force to make good his claim. And now that things had come to that pass, he said, nobody could expect him to challenge the Primate of Poland. At any rate, he had been guided at all times by earnest goodwill and therefore in his conscience could admit neither guilt nor blame. Then he recounted the favours that the Sandomierz Chapter had received from him, such as the acquisition of two villages, Okalina and Gojczów from the Cistercians of Sulejów for the Sandomierz Collegium and taking their side in a suit which had lasted for over eight years, help in the construction of a house - which is still standing in Sandomierz -for the Collegium, the purchase of another house and a plot of land for their use. In the end, he stated that acting on behalf of the Sandomierz Chapter he had entered into difficult negotiations with Archbishop Jakub of Sienno, paid back the 1500 guldens out of his own pocket, and managed to regain the tithes for Sandomierz. Consequently, the suit brought against the Cracow Chapter and against him personally was completely unjustified.
Indeed, there were no more proceedings in the court of the Bishop of Cracow. The case came to an end with the death of Jan Długosz on 19 May 1480 and the death of Jakub of Sienno on 4 October in the same year. The problem of the disputed tithes was finally resolved in 1523 when Archbishop Jan Łaski, Primate of Poland, paid in an out-of-court settlement the damages claimed by the Sandomierz Chapter for the lost tithes.


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