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Vol. 139 (2023): Our Past


The [Review:] Fr. Jarosław Wąsowicz SDB, Defensor Ecclesiae. Archbishop Antoni Baraniak (1904-1977). Salesian vicissitudes of the life and ministry of the Metropolitan of Poznań

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-06-30


The text is a review of a book by a Salesian, Fr. Dr. Jarosław Wąsowicz. In a new and extensive monograph, the author has collected a lot of information about Archbishop Antoni Baraniak (1904-1977), who was one of the closest collaborators of Bl. Primate Stefan Wyszyński. The work is a Salesian biography of an archbishop who - like the Author of the book - was a member of this congregation. Fr. Dr. J. Wąsowicz, on the basis of an extensive archival query, brings readers closer to the previously unknown facts from the life of Archbishop Baraniak, which indicate his love and devotion to God, the Church, and the primates A. Hlond and S. Wyszyński, which - according to the Author - grew during his formation in the Society of St. Francis de Sales.


  1. Wąsowicz Jarosław, Defensor Ecclesiae. Arcybiskup Antoni Baraniak (1904-1977). Salezjańskie koleje życia i posługi metropolity poznańskiego, Warszawa 2022, ss. 296, ISBN 978-83-8229-513-9 [Google Scholar]


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